Gnosys Tech Blog

2016: Ransomware on Parade

2016: Ransomware on Parade

2016 is shaping up to be the year of ransomware. Cyber-extortion’s latest entrant to the field is called KeRanger and I think it’s a game changer, simply by virtue of significantly broadening the potential victim base. What is ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malicious software that’s designed to take your data hostage so that attackers can extort you […]

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Defense Against the Dark Arts: Ransomware

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Ransomware

What is ransomware? Ransomware is malware that holds the victim’s files hostage by encrypting them. The malware then displays a note demanding ransom in exchange for a decryption key. Some ransomware, in an attempt to put a little fear into the user, will claim to be from the police, the FBI, or some other type of […]

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It’s That Time of Year Again…

As we approach the end of another fiscal year it’s time for us to consider where we are going to spend those IT dollars. Here are five suggestions that should return the greatest bang for 2015 bucks. 1. Cloud Services A hybrid cloud environment mixes in-house, private cloud resources, and externally hosted cloud solutions. The […]

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IT New Year’s Resolutions

IT New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is about moving forward.  It’s about making positive changes that will leave you in a better position that you ended the previous year. That should apply to IT as well. We should always be striving to improve our operations so, here are some IT New Year’s resolutions to consider… 1: System Updates […]

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