Gnosys Tech Blog

DOS Games in Your Browser!

DOS Games in Your Browser! just got even cooler than it already was….which is pretty cool. Yesterday they added about 2,400 DOS video    games…all of the games is free to play, and they run  in your browser. From the original Castle Wolfenstein to Master of  Orion to Leisure Suit Larry, tons and tons of games from your childhood are back and readily available.   Some of […]

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3 Simple Rules of Customer Service

3 Simple Rules of Customer Service

1. Be responsive. Support requests can come in when you least expect them and often when you’re right in the middle of something. Take the time to answer as soon as you can. Our customers are our reason for existing, so making sure you solve their problems and alleviate concerns as quickly as possible will […]

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Two is One and One is None

Two is One and One is None

I was sitting having lunch with an old friend yesterday and we were talking about SCUBA diving, specifically cave diving. As we talked, he said, in relation to SCUBA gear, “two is one and one is none,” something I had not heard in a very long time…..since my time in the Army, I think. For […]

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Virus Safety

Imagine – you’re working on your computer and a popup shows on your screen. Not all that unusual, right? But this one claims that all of your files have been encrypted and the only way you can get the decryption key is to pay $300. What do you do? If you are like most people, […]

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